Please note that the tanning is done by customers risk only! All animal hides are sent out to professional tanneries to be tanned.
Many factors have an effect on the final results of tanning such as field care, temperature, and care after being killed. Occasionally, a skin does not tan or goes to pieces during the tanning process. Proper field care is important. If you are unsure, please call us for instructions. Of course, it is always best to get your game to us as quickly as possible.
Small holes, cuts, tears, etc. can usually be repaired easily. If there are excessive large cuts, tears, bullet holes, etc., an extra charge may be required.
Never cut a deer across the throat or across the hair, always cut with it, as we cannot cover up missing hair. In cutting off deeper capes, always cut as low as the shoulders, starting at the front legs and around to the back of the deer. It is always best to leave too much cape than to cut too short. Do not salt your hide or skin before bringing it to us. Please try to remove as much meat and fat as possible from the skin, especially with bears where there is often a lot of excess fat.
Small game animals can be skinned with a belly cut and snip at the legs to remove body, or bring in whole.
Birds require extra care with the feathers. Please handle carefully as to not lose feathers, or have them break off.
Always remember that a quality mount starts with the field handling.
All animals received must be properly tagged by state. For ducks and other specially regulated game birds, please bring your hunting license with you.
Finish times for your mount depend on the time of the year and how long a hide takes to come back from the tannery. Please be patient, as rush jobs do no one any good.
A 50% deposit is required on all work left, with the balance due upon completion.
We accept cash, check, Visa or Mastercard in payment.